Supporting the Readiness of the 10th Mountain Division

As the Chief Advocate for Fort Drum, I’ve fought to ensure 10th Mountain Division soldiers have the support and resources they need. In this year’s National Defense Bill, I helped secure $65 million in funding to make sure 10thMTN soldiers have needed equipment for Arctic combat.

Holding Cuomo Accountable for His Deadly COVID-19 Nursing Home Policy

Cuomo’s nursing home order killed thousands of NY seniors. I advocated for an independent federal investigation into Governor Cuomo’s fatal policy and have led efforts to demand key data and answers from Kathy Hochul. I will continue to fight to hold Cuomo accountable and get answers for NY families.

Strengthening US Manufacturing and Farming by Passing USMCA

I proudly supported the USMCA trade agreement, which has helped expand our markets for American-made goods and bolster NY-21’s economy. This agreement was a significant win for farmers, small businesses, manufacturers, and families.

Strengthening our National Security by Countering Russia and China

As a member of the House Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, I have fought to help combat threats to the U.S. from foreign adversaries. In the national defense bill, I helped secure a provision prohibiting DoD funding to entities that maintain contracts with China and Russia.

Leading the Fight to Expose and Fix Biden’s Baby Formula Shortage Crisis

I sounded the alarm on Biden’s baby formula shortage back in February, and I have led the charge to expose and end this crisis, including introducing the Baby’s Need Formula Now Act to help get formula back on the shelves immediately. As a new Mom, I will continue this advocacy until the shelves are full.

Fighting for Small Businesses

I worked to ensure that seasonal businesses were eligible for forgivable loans from the Payment Protection Program and received fair treatment during the loan process.