Electing More Republican Women to Congress

At the time of my first election, I was the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Since I founded E-PAC, I’ve made true on my promise to help elect more GOP women to office. We went from 13 GOP women to 35, and we are on our way to electing more this November!

Supporting Veterans in Rural Communities

Our veterans in rural communities need access to critical resources and care. I am proud to have sponsored legislation that would permanently fund the VA’s rural transportation program.

Supreme Court Delivers Win To New Yorkers’ 2nd Amendment Rights

In June, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the 2nd Amendment in a case challenging New York State’s unconstitutional conceal carry restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. I was proud to be a leader in the effort and helped file an amicus brief in the Supreme Court on this case.

Securing funding for MetalCraft Marine in Watertown

After advocating with the Department of Transporation, I am proud that MetalCraft Marine in Watertown received a significant grant. This funding allows for the purchase of necessary equipment to build world-renowned boats while giving back to our community.

Fighting to Repeal the SAFE Act

When I first ran for Congress I promised I’d do everything I can to REPEAL the unconstituional SAFE ACT. I introduced the Second Amendment Guarantee Act to override the SAFE Act and ensure the protection of our constitutional rights.